This is the worst time of year for a snowmobiler.  That time when it is cold enough to snow but the ground is still brown.  Every night you flick on the floodlight and look up at the sky hoping to see those white flakes falling.  You scan the weather reports on your lunch break at work, you watch the nightly news or the weather channel hoping and praying that snow is in the forecast and then you see some lucky people in Chicago or New York getting blasted with a freak winter storm that they don’t even want and it makes you that much more depressed.  This is Minnesota, you live here for a reason and if you are a winter sports enthusiast one of those reasons is SNOW!!!  So come on already and get here snow, we’ve been waiting for you for two years now!  In the meantime keep an eye out for the blog that is coming Wednesday night  mark your calendars because if you are snowmobiler or if you have a snowmobiler on your Christmas list Wednesday night’s blog will be one you don’t want to miss!